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CSO Clinical Academic Fellowships - 2020 scheme open
7th July 2020
The Chief Scientists Office Clinical Academic Fellowships 2020 scheme is now open for applications This scheme has been developed to help address longstanding concerns...
NHS at 72 - commitment and dedication in response to COVID-19
3rd July 2020
2020 marks the 72nd Anniversary of the NHS which was founded on 5 July 1948. This year also marks the 72nd year of social care services. The Anniversary offers the opp...
NIHR launches new UK wide funding call for longer-term COVID-19 research
9th June 2020
NIHR today launched a new UK-wide call for ...
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New online submission of amendments and amendments tool launches Tuesday 2 June
29th May 2020
Online submission of amendments and a new amendment tool will go live across the UK on Tuesday 2 June 2020. These new processes for handling amendments are part of our on...
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CSO Statement on research Restart Framework
27th May 2020
Research, development and innovation are an integral and vital part of our NHS. We are entering a new phase of the current pandemic, where the number of new cases of COVID-19...
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International Clinical Trials Day 2020
20th May 2020
Wednesday 20 May marks International Clinical Trials Day, celebrating the day that James Lind started what is often considered the first randomized clinical trial, aboard...
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Recruiting patients for clinical trials
6th May 2020
The four UK Chief Medical Officer's (CMO's) highlight the vital importance of participation in clinical research to understanding and treating COVID-19. We are still l...
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55 COVID-19 projects awarded CSO funding
29th April 2020
Research projects to increase the understanding of coronavirus (COVID-19), screen potential treatments and support clinical trials will benefit from almost £5 million of...
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Understanding and treating COVID-19
23rd April 2020
Professor David Crossman, Chief Scientist reflects on the significant research efforts across Scotland helping to better understand and treat COVID-19 in the latest issue of
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CSO COVID-19 research funding proposal
25th March 2020
The Rapid Research in COVID-19 Programme (RARC-19 Programme) closes for applications 5pm, Wednesday 8 April. The Scottish Government is making funding available f...
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